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Medical Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy has long been employed as an alternative form of healing to traditional medical treatments.This therapeutic practice is said to provide a wide range of health benefits, from improving mental clarity and energy levels to boosting immunity and reducing inflammation.

What is Ozone?

Ozone (O3) is a reactive super-charged oxygen molecule, made up of 3 oxygen atoms, and acts at a cellular level, to provide many health benefits.

Medical Ozone is used to disinfect and treat disease, and its effects are proven consistent, safe and with minimal and preventable side effects.

What is Ozone Therapy?

Ozone therapy uses medical-grade ozone created using an ozone generator device. The intent of ozone therapy is to increase the amount of oxygen in your body. A higher oxygen level can boost your immune system while promoting healing. It does that through cell regeneration — the process of replacing or repairing damaged cells.

Depending on the condition being treated, ozone therapy can be administered via various pathways, including Major Autohemotherapy (IV), Minor Autohemotherapy (IM), Rectal Insufflation.

Benefits of ozone therapy include improved circulation, increased oxygen levels in cells, and stimulation of the immune system. It may also help reduce inflammation and pain associated with a variety of medical conditions. By increasing the oxygenation of tissues and enhancing red blood cell function, ozone therapy can help prevent cellular damage and also boost the immune system, making it more effective in fighting infections and diseases.

What Are the Potential Benefits of Ozone Therapy?

There is much medical research published demonstrating ozone’s safety. When used carefully, it can have the following beneficial effects:

– Anti-Ageing effect
– Increases Oxygenation of your Cells
– Boosts your Immune System, releases cytokines, stem cells, activates white blood cells
– Increases Energy and ATP Production in your Cells
– Increases the Activity of the Anti-Oxidant Enzyme System
– Anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal effects
– Stimulates and accelerates the healing process, especially for chronic conditions

While ozone therapy holds promise in promoting health, it is essential to understand ozone concentrations and be aware of potential side effects, appropriate dosages and administration methods which are critical to the treatment protocol.

It is crucial to seek ozone therapy from qualified healthcare professionals, who have received appropriate training and will ensure ozone therapy is performed safely and effectively.


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Medical Ozone Therapy

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Frequently asked questions

While ozone therapy has been used safely for decades, there are some risks associated with it. These can include soreness or tenderness at the injection site, skin irritation, headaches, and nausea. Therefore, it is important to consult with your medical practitioner before undergoing any type of ozone therapy.

Ozone therapy can be administered in a variety of ways, depending on the condition being treated and the practitioner administering the treatment. It can be administered intravenously (injected directly into a vein) or intramuscular, applied topically to the skin, or inhaled as an oxygen-ozone mixture. In some cases, ozone gas can also used rectally or vaginally for localised treatments.

The best way to determine if ozone therapy is right for you is to consult with a medical professional who specializes in this type of treatment. He or she can advise you on the benefits and risks associated with ozone therapy, as well as discuss other potential treatments that may be more suitable for you.


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